Legal Notice

Responsible Entity

Immer auf Reise OÜ is established in Estonia and operates as an independent company for international travel consulting. For further questions, please contact us at

Immer auf Reise OÜ

Owner Dennis Büttgen
Järvevana tee 9
Tallinn 11314


Legal Information

The legal framework for package travel is regulated in §§ 651a-y of the German Civil Code (BGB) and Articles 250 to 253 of the Introductory Act to the BGB (EGBGB). These regulations are based on the EU Package Travel Directive, which is uniformly applied across Europe.

Travel law differentiates between:

  • Providers of package travel (§ 651a BGB)
  • Travel agents (§ 651v BGB)
  • Intermediaries of various travel services as linked travel arrangements (§ 651w BGB)

What is Travel Law About?

Travel law is based on the EU Package Travel Directive 2015/2302, which has been transposed into German law. The legal foundations are found in:

  • §§ 651a ff BGB
  • Articles 250 to 253 EGBGB

The goals of travel law are:

  • To ensure uniform travel rights across all EU member states ("full harmonization")
  • To include online offers
  • To strengthen consumer protection

All associated insurance obligations are fully complied with.